AES-Montrose has extensive experience in providing NEPA compliance and consultation services for local, state, and federal agencies. We assist in all aspects of the NEPA process, including federal agency consultation and public outreach. AES-Montrose also prepares environmental constraints reports and basic site plans sufficient to the level of detail required for NEPA analysis.
AES-Montrose routinely prepares the following environmental documents:
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Ms. Alonzo is a senior project manager and biologist who specializes in CEQA, NEPA, and Tribal consulting. She provides professional consulting services to Native American Tribes, private clients, cities, counties, and state and federal agencies, and regularly consults with the BIA, USFWS, USACE, CDFW, Calfire, Caltrans, RWQCB, CWRCB, CDFA, and more. She assists Native American Tribes in long-term planning and identifying highest and best land uses, and oversees the development of various types of tribal documents to address environmental issues on trust land, such as Master Plans, Vegetation Management Plans, Tribal-State Compacts, Tribal Environmental Ordinances, wetland/natural resources management plans, Tribal Initial Studies, Tribal Environmental Evaluations/Environmental Impact Reports to address off-reservation impacts, Tribal garden/farmstead plans, and various grant-related documents. CEQA experience includes overseeing the preparation of CEQA documents for mixed-use developments, housing, vineyard development, utility lines, water/wastewater infrastructure, roadways, and water rights. NEPA experience includes developing strategic approaches to fee-to-trust acquisitions, casino/other development, and various federal undertakings, as well as overseeing the preparation of associated NEPA documents. Biological expertise includes permitting guidance associated with Clean Water Act Sections 401 and 404 and Fish and Game Code Section 1600, wetland delineations and mitigation, construction monitoring, nesting bird surveys, fisheries resources, special-status species surveys, habitat assessments, Biological Assessments/consultation, and more. She is also highly skilled in scientific writing …
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